#Vault7 Theory: Coming Reveal Of Singular “Real” Motive For 9/11 – Cover For An Op Related To This “Vault 7” via /r/WikiLeaks

#Vault7 Theory: Coming Reveal Of Singular “Real” Motive For 9/11 – Cover For An Op Related To This “Vault 7”

What – "Doomsday Vault" (think strategic reserve), this is what vault 7 is.

Where – "Gold Vault" not Germany, just collocates with a known gold reserve.

When – "9/11", F-119 engine (they can't like say 9/11 outright)

Who – "Traitors", i.e.: traitors to the US government/people of the world. It's ironic humor. The infographic is a US gov opsec flyer. The US gov considers Snowden and Manning to be "traitors". The humor begs the question "who are the real traitors here" to the government. Point is, the answer to "Who" is: "traitors".

Why – "Black Budget/Shadow Government", the pic is an aircraft maintainer making a snow plow from engine parts because the base can't afford an actual snowplow. How does the Pentagon with all its budget and missing trillions not afford a snow plow? Why do microwaves cost $20,000, toilet seats $15,000. You get the point.

So I'm guessing that under WTC was the known gold reserve, but actually what it really is is the world's gold. Like, the strategic gold reserves of multiple countries, including what used to be in Ft Knox, plus Nazi and Japanese gold and so on and so forth. 9/11 was an operation to steal/transfer the gold. I couldn't speculate beyond that, except to say that all the other things related to 9/11: the insurance payouts, stock shorts, new wars, patriot act and so forth were just hush money/distraction/opportunism.

It's also possible that the "Vault 7" didn't have gold, but rather something else, but it's hard to imagine what would be kept in a strategic vault that could be moved/stolen other than gold.

As for whether there's a more mundane explanation, well maybe WL is teasing a new feature film, or perhaps they will announce a fundraising effort to build a secure storage facility for their files.

However, these efforts to paint it as the FBI issue or something more pedestrian I find to be unconvincing. The "what, where, who" support the mundane theories, but "when and why" are too vague unless we're talking about some serious deep things being hinted at.

Will we get "how?" Hopefully this week, and then vault 7 reveal next week. I don't wanna wait until the 19th.

Submitted February 08, 2017 at 08:00PM by benedictFocker
via reddit http://bit.ly/2kK9LSY

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