.@brianstelter dilutes CNN fake story on @WikiLeaks with “it’s not just us”. Showing: 1. CNN etc. don’t verify STORIES. They verify SOURCES are insiders. 2. “docs say” is CNN speak for “someone says docs say”. ⟹ “SOURCES” can hijack CNN etc. anytime. via /r/WikiLeaks

.@brianstelter dilutes CNN fake story on @WikiLeaks with “it’s not just us”. Showing: 1. CNN etc. don’t verify STORIES. They verify SOURCES are insiders. 2. “docs say” is CNN speak for “someone says docs say”. ⟹ “SOURCES” can hijack CNN etc. anytime.

Submitted December 10, 2017 at 01:38PM by Here4Popcorn
via reddit http://bit.ly/2ArKat9

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